What i enjoyed:The inductions of Jim Ross, Dusty Rhodes, and the late Curt Hennig"Mr. Perfect"provided genuine emotion.
what I didn't like: They chose William Shatner to introduce Jerry "the king" Lawler.
Shatner was awfull as he read from a script and his eyes never looked up.
here are some clips from you tube that capture the essence of these performers who were being honored.
Jim Ross: Ross was fired by WTBS for sounding to southern. they have tried to replace him in the WWE three different times but the fan have always demanded that they bring him back.
The WWE put together a very nice video package here
Jerry Lawler:here are a couple of famous Jerry lawler clips
with Andy Kaufman on Letterman here
versus Hulk Hogan in Memphis here
Dusty Rhodes: I Never much like Dusty in the ring, but he was great on interviews
classic Rhodes clips here and here
Curt Hennig:One cool thing about this blog is that I have a link where you can see Hennig
in the ring with the Dynamite kid and now I have a link where you can see Hennig in with Chris Benoit here
Nick Bockwinkle: heres a Nick Bockwinkle clip from the early 60's. here